【spark2】【源码学习】【分区数】spark读取 本地/可分割/单个 的文件时是如何划分分区
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这次先看下spark读取 【本地】【可分割】【单个】 的文件,注意括起来的词,因为不同的数据源spark的处理是不一样的。



public final class JavaWordCount {
private static final Pattern SPACE = Pattern.compile(" "); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("Usage: JavaWordCount
"); System.exit(1); } SparkSession spark = SparkSession .builder() .appName("JavaWordCount") .getOrCreate(); spark.sparkContext().setLogLevel("WARN");// JavaRDD
lines = spark.read().textFile(args[0]).javaRDD(); JavaRDD
lines = spark.sparkContext().textFile(args[0], 2).toJavaRDD(); System.out.println("lines.getNumPartitions(): " + lines.getNumPartitions()); JavaRDD
words = lines.flatMap(s -> Arrays.asList(SPACE.split(s)).iterator()); JavaPairRDD
ones = words.mapToPair(s -> new Tuple2<>(s, 1)); JavaPairRDD
counts = ones.reduceByKey((i1, i2) -> i1 + i2); List
> output = counts.collect();// for (Tuple2
tuple : output) { // System.out.println(tuple._1() + ": " + tuple._2());// } spark.stop(); }}


spark 提供的读取文件api,发现textFile最后是new一个HadoopRDD返回的。


minPartitions: 最小分区数,这个不是确定的最后分区数,这个参数在后面计算分区数时用到。

# SparkContext.scala/**   * Read a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any   * Hadoop-supported file system URI, and return it as an RDD of Strings.   * @param path path to the text file on a supported file system   * @param minPartitions suggested minimum number of partitions for the resulting RDD   * @return RDD of lines of the text file   */def textFile(      path: String,      minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] = withScope {
print("\n>>>>>> pgx code <<<<<<\n") print("defaultParallelism: " + defaultMinPartitions) print("\n") print("minPartitions: " + minPartitions) print("\n>>>>>> pgx code <<<<<<\n") assertNotStopped() hadoopFile(path, classOf[TextInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text], minPartitions).map(pair => pair._2.toString).setName(path) }/** Get an RDD for a Hadoop file with an arbitrary InputFormat * * @note Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle * operation will create many references to the same object. * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first * copy them using a `map` function. * @param path directory to the input data files, the path can be comma separated paths * as a list of inputs * @param inputFormatClass storage format of the data to be read * @param keyClass `Class` of the key associated with the `inputFormatClass` parameter * @param valueClass `Class` of the value associated with the `inputFormatClass` parameter * @param minPartitions suggested minimum number of partitions for the resulting RDD * @return RDD of tuples of key and corresponding value */def hadoopFile[K, V]( path: String, inputFormatClass: Class[_ <: InputFormat[K, V]], keyClass: Class[K], valueClass: Class[V], minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[(K, V)] = withScope {
assertNotStopped() // This is a hack to enforce loading hdfs-site.xml. // See SPARK-11227 for details. FileSystem.getLocal(hadoopConfiguration) // A Hadoop configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it. val confBroadcast = broadcast(new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConfiguration)) val setInputPathsFunc = (jobConf: JobConf) => FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, path) new HadoopRDD( this, confBroadcast, Some(setInputPathsFunc), inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, minPartitions).setName(path) }


因为spark的transform算子不会引发计算,所以我们直接tracked down 最后引发计算的action 算子 collect()

# JavaRDDlike.scala/**   * Return an array that contains all of the elements in this RDD.   *   * @note this method should only be used if the resulting array is expected to be small, as   * all the data is loaded into the driver's memory.   */  def collect(): JList[T] =    rdd.collect().toSeq.asJava


# RDD.scala/**   * Return an array that contains all of the elements in this RDD.   *   * @note This method should only be used if the resulting array is expected to be small, as   * all the data is loaded into the driver's memory.   */  def collect(): Array[T] = withScope {
val results = sc.runJob(this, (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.toArray) Array.concat(results: _*) }


我们主要关注分区数,所以继续追踪runJonb的第三个参数 【0 until rdd.partitions.length】

# SparkContext.scala/**   * Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and return the results in an array.   *   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD   * @return in-memory collection with a result of the job (each collection element will contain   * a result from one partition)   */  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T], func: Iterator[T] => U): Array[U] = {
runJob(rdd, func, 0 until rdd.partitions.length) }

SparkContext对象执行runJob时,需要从rdd对象中拿partitions (0 until rdd.partitions.length)

rdd对象中的partitions方法调用了 getPartitions来获取分区数

// RDD.scala/**   * Get the array of partitions of this RDD, taking into account whether the   * RDD is checkpointed or not.   */  final def partitions: Array[Partition] = {
checkpointRDD.map(_.partitions).getOrElse {
if (partitions_ == null) {
stateLock.synchronized {
if (partitions_ == null) {
partitions_ = getPartitions partitions_.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (partition, index) => require(partition.index == index, s"partitions($index).partition == ${partition.index}, but it should equal $index") } } } } partitions_ } }

这个 getPartitions方法有多个实现类, 因为前面看到textFile最终创建的是一个HadoopRDD,所以这里看的是HadoopRDD.scala中的getPartitions()


inputSplits 又是来自allInputSplits
所以val allInputSplits = getInputFormat(jobConf).getSplits(jobConf, minPartitions)这行代码是计算分区数的关键代码

// HadoopRDD.scala// getPartitions的实现类override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
val jobConf = getJobConf() // add the credentials here as this can be called before SparkContext initialized SparkHadoopUtil.get.addCredentials(jobConf) try {
val allInputSplits = getInputFormat(jobConf).getSplits(jobConf, minPartitions) print("\n>>>>>> pgx code <<<<<<\n") print("allInputSplits.size: " + allInputSplits.size) print("\n") print("minPartitions: " + minPartitions) print("\n>>>>>> pgx code <<<<<<\n") val inputSplits = if (ignoreEmptySplits) {
allInputSplits.filter(_.getLength > 0) } else {
allInputSplits } val array = new Array[Partition](inputSplits.size) for (i <- 0 until inputSplits.size) {
array(i) = new HadoopPartition(id, i, inputSplits(i)) } array } catch {
case e: InvalidInputException if ignoreMissingFiles => logWarning(s"${jobConf.get(FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR)} doesn't exist and no" + s" partitions returned from this path.", e) Array.empty[Partition] } }

上面说到val allInputSplits = getInputFormat(jobConf).getSplits(jobConf, minPartitions)是计算分区数的关键代码,所以我们这里就跳转到getSplits(jobConf, minPartitions)来看下这个方法里面做的事情



// InputFormat.java/**    * Logically split the set of input files for the job.     *    * 

Each {@link InputSplit} is then assigned to an individual {@link Mapper} * for processing.

* *

Note: The split is a logical split of the inputs and the * input files are not physically split into chunks. For e.g. a split could * be <input-file-path, start, offset> tuple. * * @param job job configuration. * @param numSplits the desired number of splits, a hint. * @return an array of {@link InputSplit}s for the job. */ InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits) throws IOException;


在这个实现类里面,就做了很多事情了, 基本上可以看出spark在读取本地可分割文件的时候切分的分区大小是怎么算出来的

long splitSize = computeSplitSize(goalSize, minSize, blockSize);这里就是用三个size来算出用哪个作为分块大小的。
goalSize:【所有要读取文件大小】/【numSplits】 这个是可知的
minSize:mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize这个参数设置,默认是1 这个是可知的
blockSize: 这个对本地文件,hdfs文件都不同的,本地文件默认是32M,下面代码说到。 这个这是要走一遍复杂逻辑计算出来的

// FileInputFormat.java// InputSplit的实现类/** Splits files returned by {@link #listStatus(JobConf)} when   * they're too big.*/   public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits)    throws IOException {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start(); FileStatus[] files = listStatus(job); // Save the number of input files for metrics/loadgen job.setLong(NUM_INPUT_FILES, files.length); long totalSize = 0; // compute total size for (FileStatus file: files) {
// check we have valid files if (file.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException("Not a file: "+ file.getPath()); } totalSize += file.getLen(); } long goalSize = totalSize / (numSplits == 0 ? 1 : numSplits); long minSize = Math.max(job.getLong(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input. FileInputFormat.SPLIT_MINSIZE, 1), minSplitSize); // generate splits ArrayList
splits = new ArrayList
(numSplits); NetworkTopology clusterMap = new NetworkTopology(); for (FileStatus file: files) {
Path path = file.getPath(); long length = file.getLen(); if (length != 0) {
FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(job); BlockLocation[] blkLocations; if (file instanceof LocatedFileStatus) {
blkLocations = ((LocatedFileStatus) file).getBlockLocations(); } else {
blkLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(file, 0, length); } if (isSplitable(fs, path)) {
long blockSize = file.getBlockSize(); long splitSize = computeSplitSize(goalSize, minSize, blockSize); long bytesRemaining = length; while (((double) bytesRemaining)/splitSize > SPLIT_SLOP) {
String[][] splitHosts = getSplitHostsAndCachedHosts(blkLocations, length-bytesRemaining, splitSize, clusterMap); splits.add(makeSplit(path, length-bytesRemaining, splitSize, splitHosts[0], splitHosts[1])); bytesRemaining -= splitSize; } if (bytesRemaining != 0) {
String[][] splitHosts = getSplitHostsAndCachedHosts(blkLocations, length - bytesRemaining, bytesRemaining, clusterMap); splits.add(makeSplit(path, length - bytesRemaining, bytesRemaining, splitHosts[0], splitHosts[1])); } } else {
String[][] splitHosts = getSplitHostsAndCachedHosts(blkLocations,0,length,clusterMap); splits.add(makeSplit(path, 0, length, splitHosts[0], splitHosts[1])); } } else {
//Create empty hosts array for zero length files splits.add(makeSplit(path, 0, length, new String[0])); } } sw.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Total # of splits generated by getSplits: " + splits.size() + ", TimeTaken: " + sw.elapsedMillis()); } return splits.toArray(new FileSplit[splits.size()]); }



1、先比较 goalSize和blockSize,取小的那个


1、因为minSize值为1,所以几乎不考虑,除非设置了参数 【mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize】



// FileInputFormat.java// InputSplit的实现类protected long computeSplitSize(long goalSize, long minSize, long blockSize) {
return Math.max(minSize, Math.min(goalSize, blockSize)); }


通过代码long blockSize = file.getBlockSize();看出blockSize来自于file这个对象,而这个file是来自于files的数组,files又是从FileStatus[] files = listStatus(job);这句代码来的。我们跟着debug进入listStatus()这个方法看下。


当数据是一个文件时:List<FileStatus> locatedFiles = singleThreadedListStatus(job, dirs, inputFilter, recursive);
当数据是多个文件时:LocatedFileStatusFetcher locatedFileStatusFetcher = new LocatedFileStatusFetcher(job, dirs, recursive, inputFilter, false);
后面跳转到 singleThreadedListStatus 这个方法继续看

// mapred/FileInputForm.java/** List input directories.   * Subclasses may override to, e.g., select only files matching a regular   * expression.    *    * @param job the job to list input paths for   * @return array of FileStatus objects   * @throws IOException if zero items.   */  protected FileStatus[] listStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException {
Path[] dirs = getInputPaths(job); if (dirs.length == 0) {
throw new IOException("No input paths specified in job"); } // get tokens for all the required FileSystems.. TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(job.getCredentials(), dirs, job); // Whether we need to recursive look into the directory structure boolean recursive = job.getBoolean(INPUT_DIR_RECURSIVE, false); // creates a MultiPathFilter with the hiddenFileFilter and the // user provided one (if any). List
filters = new ArrayList
(); filters.add(hiddenFileFilter); PathFilter jobFilter = getInputPathFilter(job); if (jobFilter != null) {
filters.add(jobFilter); } PathFilter inputFilter = new MultiPathFilter(filters); FileStatus[] result; int numThreads = job .getInt( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.DEFAULT_LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start(); if (numThreads == 1) {
locatedFiles = singleThreadedListStatus(job, dirs, inputFilter, recursive); result = locatedFiles.toArray(new FileStatus[locatedFiles.size()]); } else {
locatedFiles = null; try {
LocatedFileStatusFetcher locatedFileStatusFetcher = new LocatedFileStatusFetcher( job, dirs, recursive, inputFilter, false); locatedFiles = locatedFileStatusFetcher.getFileStatuses(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException("Interrupted while getting file statuses"); } result = Iterables.toArray(locatedFiles, FileStatus.class); } sw.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Time taken to get FileStatuses: " + sw.elapsedMillis()); } LOG.info("Total input paths to process : " + result.length); return result; }


FileStatus[] matches = fs.globStatus(p, inputFilter);中返回的maches对象中包含了blockSize,所以继续看fs.globStatus()这个方法


// mapred/FileInputForm.javaprivate List
singleThreadedListStatus(JobConf job, Path[] dirs, PathFilter inputFilter, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
result = new ArrayList
(); List
errors = new ArrayList
(); for (Path p: dirs) {
FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(job); FileStatus[] matches = fs.globStatus(p, inputFilter); if (matches == null) {
errors.add(new IOException("Input path does not exist: " + p)); } else if (matches.length == 0) {
errors.add(new IOException("Input Pattern " + p + " matches 0 files")); } else {
for (FileStatus globStat: matches) {
if (globStat.isDirectory()) {
iter = fs.listLocatedStatus(globStat.getPath()); while (iter.hasNext()) { LocatedFileStatus stat = iter.next(); if (inputFilter.accept(stat.getPath())) { if (recursive && stat.isDirectory()) { addInputPathRecursively(result, fs, stat.getPath(), inputFilter); } else { result.add(stat); } } } } else { result.add(globStat); } } } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidInputException(errors); } return result; }




// FileSystem.java/**   * Return an array of FileStatus objects whose path names match pathPattern   * and is accepted by the user-supplied path filter. Results are sorted by   * their path names.   * Return null if pathPattern has no glob and the path does not exist.   * Return an empty array if pathPattern has a glob and no path matches it.    *    * @param pathPattern   *          a regular expression specifying the path pattern   * @param filter   *          a user-supplied path filter   * @return an array of FileStatus objects   * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs when fetching file status   */  public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter)      throws IOException {
return new Globber(this, pathPattern, filter).glob(); }

跳转到Globber.java中的blob(),通过debug,在循环components的时候,到最后的文件层级后,通过FileStatus childStatus = getFileStatus(new Path(candidate.getPath(), component));返回的childStatus带有blockSize信息,所以我们接着跳转到Globber.java中的getFileStatus()继续看


1、判断schemeString scheme = schemeFromPath(pathPattern);
2、判断权限String authority = authorityFromPath(pathPattern);
3、将路径按层级切分成数组List<String> components = getPathComponents(absPattern.toUri().getPath());(原因不明)
4、区分 window和其他系统的路径,再进行new FileStatus if (Path.WINDOWS && !components.isEmpty()
5、然后循环处理components, 一堆逻辑…

// Globber.javapublic FileStatus[] glob() throws IOException {
// First we get the scheme and authority of the pattern that was passed // in. String scheme = schemeFromPath(pathPattern); String authority = authorityFromPath(pathPattern); // Next we strip off everything except the pathname itself, and expand all // globs. Expansion is a process which turns "grouping" clauses, // expressed as brackets, into separate path patterns. String pathPatternString = pathPattern.toUri().getPath(); List
flattenedPatterns = GlobExpander.expand(pathPatternString); // Now loop over all flattened patterns. In every case, we'll be trying to // match them to entries in the filesystem. ArrayList
results = new ArrayList
(flattenedPatterns.size()); boolean sawWildcard = false; for (String flatPattern : flattenedPatterns) {
// Get the absolute path for this flattened pattern. We couldn't do // this prior to flattening because of patterns like {/,a}, where which // path you go down influences how the path must be made absolute. Path absPattern = fixRelativePart(new Path( flatPattern.isEmpty() ? Path.CUR_DIR : flatPattern)); // Now we break the flattened, absolute pattern into path components. // For example, /a/*/c would be broken into the list [a, *, c] List
components = getPathComponents(absPattern.toUri().getPath()); // Starting out at the root of the filesystem, we try to match // filesystem entries against pattern components. ArrayList
candidates = new ArrayList
(1); // To get the "real" FileStatus of root, we'd have to do an expensive // RPC to the NameNode. So we create a placeholder FileStatus which has // the correct path, but defaults for the rest of the information. // Later, if it turns out we actually want the FileStatus of root, we'll // replace the placeholder with a real FileStatus obtained from the // NameNode. FileStatus rootPlaceholder; if (Path.WINDOWS && !components.isEmpty() && Path.isWindowsAbsolutePath(absPattern.toUri().getPath(), true)) { // On Windows the path could begin with a drive letter, e.g. /E:/foo. // We will skip matching the drive letter and start from listing the // root of the filesystem on that drive. String driveLetter = components.remove(0); rootPlaceholder = new FileStatus(0, true, 0, 0, 0, new Path(scheme, authority, Path.SEPARATOR + driveLetter + Path.SEPARATOR)); } else { rootPlaceholder = new FileStatus(0, true, 0, 0, 0, new Path(scheme, authority, Path.SEPARATOR)); } candidates.add(rootPlaceholder); for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < components.size(); componentIdx++) { ArrayList
newCandidates = new ArrayList
(candidates.size()); GlobFilter globFilter = new GlobFilter(components.get(componentIdx)); String component = unescapePathComponent(components.get(componentIdx)); if (globFilter.hasPattern()) { sawWildcard = true; } if (candidates.isEmpty() && sawWildcard) { // Optimization: if there are no more candidates left, stop examining // the path components. We can only do this if we've already seen // a wildcard component-- otherwise, we still need to visit all path // components in case one of them is a wildcard. break; } if ((componentIdx < components.size() - 1) && (!globFilter.hasPattern())) { // Optimization: if this is not the terminal path component, and we // are not matching against a glob, assume that it exists. If it // doesn't exist, we'll find out later when resolving a later glob // or the terminal path component. for (FileStatus candidate : candidates) { candidate.setPath(new Path(candidate.getPath(), component)); } continue; } for (FileStatus candidate : candidates) { if (globFilter.hasPattern()) { FileStatus[] children = listStatus(candidate.getPath()); if (children.length == 1) { // If we get back only one result, this could be either a listing // of a directory with one entry, or it could reflect the fact // that what we listed resolved to a file. // // Unfortunately, we can't just compare the returned paths to // figure this out. Consider the case where you have /a/b, where // b is a symlink to "..". In that case, listing /a/b will give // back "/a/b" again. If we just went by returned pathname, we'd // incorrectly conclude that /a/b was a file and should not match // /a/*/*. So we use getFileStatus of the path we just listed to // disambiguate. if (!getFileStatus(candidate.getPath()).isDirectory()) { continue; } } for (FileStatus child : children) { if (componentIdx < components.size() - 1) { // Don't try to recurse into non-directories. See HADOOP-10957. if (!child.isDirectory()) continue; } // Set the child path based on the parent path. child.setPath(new Path(candidate.getPath(), child.getPath().getName())); if (globFilter.accept(child.getPath())) { newCandidates.add(child); } } } else { // When dealing with non-glob components, use getFileStatus // instead of listStatus. This is an optimization, but it also // is necessary for correctness in HDFS, since there are some // special HDFS directories like .reserved and .snapshot that are // not visible to listStatus, but which do exist. (See HADOOP-9877) FileStatus childStatus = getFileStatus( new Path(candidate.getPath(), component)); if (childStatus != null) { newCandidates.add(childStatus); } } } candidates = newCandidates; } for (FileStatus status : candidates) { // Use object equality to see if this status is the root placeholder. // See the explanation for rootPlaceholder above for more information. if (status == rootPlaceholder) { status = getFileStatus(rootPlaceholder.getPath()); if (status == null) continue; } // HADOOP-3497 semantics: the user-defined filter is applied at the // end, once the full path is built up. if (filter.accept(status.getPath())) { results.add(status); } } } /* * When the input pattern "looks" like just a simple filename, and we * can't find it, we return null rather than an empty array. * This is a special case which the shell relies on. * * To be more precise: if there were no results, AND there were no * groupings (aka brackets), and no wildcards in the input (aka stars), * we return null. */ if ((!sawWildcard) && results.isEmpty() && (flattenedPatterns.size() <= 1)) { return null; } return results.toArray(new FileStatus[0]); }

从上面的glob()跳转过来,这个getFileStatus做了个fs的判空,这个fs其实是上面new Globber对象时传的值,所以不会为空。所以继续跳转进去看

return new Globber(this, pathPattern, filter).glob();

// Globber.javaprivate FileStatus getFileStatus(Path path) throws IOException {
try {
if (fs != null) {
return fs.getFileStatus(path); } else {
return fc.getFileStatus(path); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return null; } }


public class FilterFileSystem extends FileSystem {}我们看到FilterFileSystem.java 集成了 FileSystem.java

一个不太理解的地方:在FileSystem.java new 的Globber, 参数传递的是this, 到后面调用Globber.java中的fs.getFileStatus,会最终调用了FilterFileSystem的getFileStatus,而不是FileSystem的getFileStatus
return new Globber(this, pathPattern, filter).glob();—FileSystem.java

// FilterFileSystem.java/**   * Get file status.   */  @Override  public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
return fs.getFileStatus(f); }


dereference 这个布尔值 在调用方法时就是代码写死时ture的

getFileStatus >> getFileLinkStatusInternal >> deprecatedGetFileStatus
new DeprecatedRawLocalFileStatus(pathToFile(f),getDefaultBlockSize(f), this);中的getDefaultBlockSize(f)

// RawLocalFileSystem.java@Override  public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
return getFileLinkStatusInternal(f, true); }/** * Public {@link FileStatus} methods delegate to this function, which in turn * either call the new {@link Stat} based implementation or the deprecated * methods based on platform support. * * @param f Path to stat * @param dereference whether to dereference the final path component if a * symlink * @return FileStatus of f * @throws IOException */ private FileStatus getFileLinkStatusInternal(final Path f, boolean dereference) throws IOException {
if (!useDeprecatedFileStatus) {
return getNativeFileLinkStatus(f, dereference); } else if (dereference) {
return deprecatedGetFileStatus(f); } else {
return deprecatedGetFileLinkStatusInternal(f); } }@Deprecated private FileStatus deprecatedGetFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
File path = pathToFile(f); if (path.exists()) {
return new DeprecatedRawLocalFileStatus(pathToFile(f), getDefaultBlockSize(f), this); } else {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + f + " does not exist"); } }


这里! 终于看到了默认值32M的设置

/** Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally   * be split into to minimize i/o time.  The given path will be used to   * locate the actual filesystem.  The full path does not have to exist.   * @param f path of file   * @return the default block size for the path's filesystem   */  public long getDefaultBlockSize(Path f) {
return getDefaultBlockSize(); }/** * Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally * be split into to minimize i/o time. * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultBlockSize(Path)} instead */ @Deprecated public long getDefaultBlockSize() {
// default to 32MB: large enough to minimize the impact of seeks return getConf().getLong("fs.local.block.size", 32 * 1024 * 1024); }



上面的调用 getConf().getLong("fs.local.block.size", 32 * 1024 * 1024);

/**    * Get the value of the name property as a long.     * If no such property exists, the provided default value is returned,   * or if the specified value is not a valid long,   * then an error is thrown.   *    * @param name property name.   * @param defaultValue default value.   * @throws NumberFormatException when the value is invalid   * @return property value as a long,    *         or defaultValue.    */  public long getLong(String name, long defaultValue) {
String valueString = getTrimmed(name); if (valueString == null) return defaultValue; String hexString = getHexDigits(valueString); if (hexString != null) {
return Long.parseLong(hexString, 16); } return Long.parseLong(valueString); }



如果我们设置的minPartitions,goalSize小于32M,那么分区数就是我们设置的minPartitions (这个结论不严谨,参考文末后记)




minpartitions=4时 150/4=37.5M, 所以采用blockSize=32M来做分区吗则150M/32M=4.6,所以最后是5个分区
minpartitions=5时 就没啥区别了
minpartitions=6时 150/6=25M,所以最后分区数是6
minpartitions=10时 150/10=15M,所以最后分区数是10


偶然遇到这样一种情况,读取一个15byte大小的文件, minPartitions设置为6,最后的返回的rdd分区数是8。

后来发现原因是long goalSize = totalSize / (numSplits == 0 ? 1 : numSplits);
这就好解释了, 15/6=2.5 向下取整即2,也就是goalSize=2远小于32M,并>1,所以splitSize=2
然后计算分区数: 15/2=7.5, 这里是向上取整 即8。所以最后得到的分区数是8




Shell 和Python的区别。
Python 列表(list)、字典(dict)、字符串(string)常用基本操作小结